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***Repro Free*** 25th November, 2015; Dr, Maximillion Medwin (Max Berendt) is pictured at the splendiferous preview of Hendrick’s Chambers of the Curious. The delightfully peculiar Hendrick’s Chambers of the Curious will run from 26th-28th November. This most curious event sold out in a confounding two minutes earlier this month.
Designed to pique attendee’s curiosity, the Hendrick’s Chambers of the Curious is a travelling service where willing participants undergo a range of exhilarating experiments in an obliging eccentric professor’s home. Each experience awakens the attendee’s curiosity in a most unusual way. Picture Andres Poveda
Over 18s only. Enjoy The Unusual Responsibly. Visitwww.drinkaware.ie.
For information on Hendrick’s Chambers of the Curious, visit: www.chambersofthecurious.ie